1 Keith Weldon Medley, "The Sad Story of How 'Separate but Equal' Was Born," Smithsonian Magazine Feb. 1994: 106.
2 Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Encarta '95 , computer software, Microsoft Corp., 1995. "Reconstruction" entry.
3 Medley 114.
4 Edward W. Knappman, ed., Great American Trials (Detroit: Visible Ink, 1994) 218.
5 Justice Henry Billings Brown, "Majority opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson," Desegregation and the Supreme Court , ed. Benjamin Munn Ziegler (Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1958) 50-51.
6 Justice John Marshall Harlan, "Minority opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson," in Ziegler 61.